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A little in flight sketch

Just recently had to take a trip up north for business and decided that instead of just playing angry birds on my iPad I would give drawing on my iPad a try. I downloaded an app a while back called “Paper”, and always just used it to doodle at best. This time I was going to try my hand at some actual highlights, shadows, and some blending.

The good thing about this app is how basic it is. It only gives you a hand full of colors, and a few different brushes. One of the downsides to this app is there is no zoom. So this mean all the detail has to be obtained zoomed out. This is where my Bamboo stylus from Wacom comes in handy. The stylus has a rubber bulb tip that allows you to have some levels of sensitivity. Here are the few things I made while 36,000 feet above earth! Had to buy replacement tips for the stylus cause I wore out the tip. At the end I added a few screen grabs from the app to show you the options.

Not exactly sure why I was on a fish kick but it just seemed to be what was forming on the paper…I mean iPad!

Till Death Do Us Part 1

Nothing says “I love you,” like a Zombie ridden honeymoon, with heads exploding, and body parts dragging…right? Well, it does for our married couple Alex and Bill McCoy. Professional make-up artists by day, and Zombie hunters by night, this couple has an affinity for the supernatural. After spending their early married years as lead makeup artists for Europa parks Horror Nights, the couple wanted to make their “Trash the Dress” session even more memorable than ever. With the help of our inspired and talented couple, friends and volunteers, we were able to create this amazing rendition of the walking dead—breathing new “life” into the phrase “Till death do us part.”

Some Like It Scott

So a while back I came up with this photo idea. When I say a while back what I really mean is 7 yrs ago I came up with this photo concept. Once I came up with the idea I instantly came up with reasons on why it couldn’t be done. The idea soon faded into my mind. One day I was writing down ideas for photo shoots during a brain dump and this little gem came back to me.  I started to think about all the opportunities I had to actually create this image over the past 7 years. So I said enough is enough and I went out and made it happen! The point I am trying to make is…MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!! Just get it done!

Make-up: LuAndra Whitehurst Model: Dan Carro Photography & Post: Rich Johnson
Make-up: LuAndra Whitehurst Model: Dan Carro Photography & Post: Rich Johnson

Water Ballet Behind the Scenes

This shoot presented some challenges you normally don’t run into with most shoots. But leave it to me to say ” I have an idea!, I want to have a ballerina jumping through a wall of water” Well it would have just dies there, but I told LuAndra, and Caleb and they wanted to try it. We tracked down Katia Garza a seasoned ballet dancer for the Orlando Ballet! She was amazing! Here are a few shots from behind the camera!

The set up! We made the water fall out of a 12' PVC pipe from home depot with two water hose attachments on each end. We then zip tied the pipe to an old backdrop stand I had.
The set up! We made the water fall out of a 12′ PVC pipe from home depot with two water hose attachments on each end. We then zip tied the pipe to an old backdrop stand I had.
A test jump before we turned on the water!
A test jump before we turned on the water!
First Jump! Eyes wide open like a pro!!
First Jump! Eyes wide open like a pro!!
One of the favorites before touch up.
One of the favorites before touch up.
Caleb had to get in on the action and show off his sweet ballet skills.
Caleb had to get in on the action and show off his sweet ballet skills.

A Fresh Start

To make way for newer and more exciting projects we are starting our website over! Out with the old and in with the new. Over the past 2 years Caressa and I have been fine tuning our skills and trying to display our progress on a our old site that was built to show off weddings and other sessions. This worked at first, but soon we realized that our work was getting bigger, better and more dramatic! It needed a new home that would complement the images we are creating.

This new site and platform will provide such a home for our work! Like a well framed photograph, this site will be noticed but not over power the true star of the show! Thank you for stopping by and thank you for your continuing support during our growth as individuals, a company, and most importantly a family!

Love, Rich & Caressa

PSW 2012 in Washington D.C.

This was my first trip to the capitol of our great nation! I have to admit that it was a bit overwhelming, both emotionally and physically. I arrived at the hotel around 4pm, checked in, threw my stuff in my room, grabbed my camera and started my first walk around. I was on a mission to see the cherry blossoms that were in full bloom due to some late rain. I never found the cherry blossoms that night but got some great shots of the Washington memorial during sunset.

The next day I woke up and spent the whole day walking around before the Photoshop World Pre conference orientation. That day I walked 13.25 miles! I had no idea how carried away I would get taking pictures, and not to mention how spread out everything was. But I had to see the classics! 

Here is a gallery of a few image I liked from my long walk!