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You’ve Got to Hand it to me!

I hear it all the time: “I can’t find a job in this economy!” “No one is hiring!” I realized during my job hunt that this could very well be true, but didn’t look at it as an excuse to give up and not try. This climate presented an opportunity for me to flex my marketing skills and show my future employer just how creative I can be.

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The High Note

The High Note, our serious of photos that shows vocalists at their loudest, was a really fun set to work on. Here at Spectacle we like to come up with projects ideas that we’ve never seen before. This project? This project we sort of stumbled across by

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Models: How to Spot a Creepy Photographer

The photography industry can be creepy and downright predatory, and that's a fact. It's an industry where young women can be taken advantage of and exploited, and it's important to draw attention to it so people can be on the lookout. Some photographers will tell you

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‘The Revenant’ Review

'The Revenant' is one of the most honest pieces of filmmaking I've seen in a long time. It's so refreshing to see a movie that has no time for any modern agendas, is a technical marvel, is perfectly cast, and uses its locations to breathtaking affect.  There's so much

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Just Say No to Descriptive Design!

A good digital designer is more than someone who simply pushes pixels around.  A good designer looks at the overall direction that a logo, brand, etc. needs to go. It's THEIR job to make it stylish and unique.  The sad thing is, most digital designers these days are being totally underutilized and bullied by backseat designers. 

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The New Spectacle Studio!

Two weeks ago Richard Johnson and I signed a lease to our new studio.  This is a big thing for us, and has been a long time coming.  Rich and I met 8 years ago at a networking event for weddings, and as we handed each other our wedding portfolios we announced our hatred of being wedding photographers and videographers, and we've been thick as thieves ever since.

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Telltale Games

A company that's really impressed me lately is Telltale Games.  They're a game development company, and they have an awesome business model.  Not only do they maintain their own brand extremely well, they take on all sorts of IP's and have to create games that match the pre-existing brands. 

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