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Tag: professional

Photographers: The Digital Storage War

The biggest struggle our photography studio had this past year was figuring out a digital storage system that allowed us to actively work on, share, view, and archive our photos. Once you hit a certain storage point, buying invididual WD external drives just doesn't cut it. We got

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Fitness Models: 5 Photoshoot Tips!

Image is everything when it comes to fitness, especially if you're trying to brand yourself as a professional within that industry. It's really important that you represent yourself with photos that show off your hard work, and get the point across that you mean business. Selfies in a gym mirror are

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Ace Noguera, Lifestyle Photographer

The photography industry is a tough arena. It's all about survival, so I think it's important to give shoutouts to those photographers who work hard at being good at what they do, and constantly strive to be the best. Good photographers in our industry are

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For Models: How to Spot Bad Photographers

Models, especially aspiring models, have it pretty tough. They have to deal with fake agencies and casting calls, internet scams, creeper photographers, no budget "fashion shows", and a slew of other time-wasters that hold them back. This article is going to cover one of the biggest

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Photographers: How to Set Your Prices

Setting prices is a constant struggle for photographers. Since photography is a creative service, the pricing in this market differs wildly, seemingly with neither rhyme nor reason. It gets even more confusing once you start doing research on photography pricing. On one hand, you'll find some photographers willing to shoot weddings for

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