Captain Kid
About a month ago, Rich Johnson took his family to Disney, so naturally, they hit up the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. If you’ve ever been to a Disney park you know that every ride dumps you out in a gift shop, and if you’ve ever been on the Pirates ride you know that it has the best gift shop Disney has to offer. It’s full of cool stuff, ranging from gold doubloons to hook hands. As Rich and his family were browsing his son pointed out an awesome pirate coat on one of the racks and started going on and on about how awesome it was. Rich picked it up to check it out, and it was actually really cool. It didn’t say “DISNEYYYY!!!!” or “PIRATES YOU WENT ON THE PIRATE RIDE. DISNEY. DISNEY AND PIRATES.” on it, and it was made out of really high quality materials. The best part? It was only $50, which is an almost unheard of price for a jacket over at The House of Mouse. So he bought it. Rich’s son loved it so much he wore it every day after, and spent every moment he could pretending he was a pirate. As Rich watched his son fight off devious smugglers in his backyard, he knew he had to get some photos of this time in his sons life.
Rich made it happen. He took his family to St. Augustine, rented out an old house, and the following photos are the result:
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